We are a London-based risk management consultancy We solve problems and deliver results for our clients  We understand what it takes to win in difficult situations We have exceptional senior talent and they deliver

Who we are

Amadeus provides bespoke legal, financial and reputation management solutions, with an emphasis on politically sensitive matters, for a select group of corporations and individuals from across the globe. We are retained on a regular basis to handle complex cross-jurisdictional assignments involving issues of public international  law as well as being required to interact on an on-going basis with national and multi-lateral law enforcement agencies. Whilst the underlying assignments may range from cancellation of INTERPOL Notices to engaging with Financial Intelligence Units and asset-protection we find that most instructions involve a combination of these areas.

Amadeus’s team comes from legal, financial and law enforcement backgrounds and we act as a Strategic Advisor who is retained to oversee legal strategies as well as handling compliance and reputation management issues. Our role is to identify the key issues, assemble the best-in-class team of regulated consultants, explore every avenue for resolution and quarterback the approved strategy to a successful resolution.

Our unique partner network, consists of leading legal practitioners in their relevant fields and jurisdictions, former senior agents from national and multi-lateral law enforcement agencies as well as retired senior members of the US and UK judiciary.

Our quality bespoke service has been recognized by the fact that all our clients are referrals from existing clients.

Amadeus Consultancy Limited is a non-regulated service provider and does not provide financial or legal advice.